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We can help you with:


  • Business Formation

  • Intellectual Property Development

  • Staffing

  • Financial Resources and more


We can assist in choosing what type of business structure is best for you.  Contact us today to prepare for a better tomorrow.

Business Meeting

Business Innovation

Quick Chat - Free

A quick chat is a service that enables you to have a FREE 15-minute consultation with an expert on our team in tax preparation, human resources, business development, strategic planning, financial resources, and educational consulting.

Startup Chat - $75

A thirty-minute session with an experienced consultant to address your business needs.  This session is for entities that need expert advice in business development, strategic planning, financial resources, educational consulting, human resources, marketing, and book publishing.  You will receive answers to your question and a plan of action.

Blueprint Chat - $100

An hour-long session with an experienced consultant to address your business needs.  This session is for entities that need expert advice in business development, strategic planning, financial resources, educational consulting, human resources, marketing, and book publishing.  You will receive answers to your question and a plan of action.

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